Has anybody else had the issue of the SubRaces no longer being a sub-option and instead each subrace is it's own unique option? This is very cluttered. Especially when so many of the formatting for the options are not all the same.


(178 replies, posted in Download Official Content 5e)

Has anybody else had the issue of the SubRaces no longer being a sub-option and instead each subrace is it's own unique option? This is very cluttered. Especially when so many of the formatting for the options are not all the same.


(1 replies, posted in Share DnD 5 Content)

Looking through this on the app, I notice some issues. I will take some time to address them eventually. Any ideas or suggestions, please feel free! Also, feel free to rip this and make it what you want, all I ask is give credit due to the original creator.


(1 replies, posted in Share DnD 5 Content)

This is a Kistune race, developed not by me, and translated to be usable in this app.

Updated to .dd5 for easier installing.