Download here the latest content from official sources for the DnD 5e app!
While the files have a .dd35 extension, they are all for the DnD 5 app, the extension is legacy from the previous app and will be updated in the future.
If you have created some content yourself please reply to this topic to add them, or start a new thread.
Newest content: all official content (without UA) in one file!
(With thanks to Esotericreference!)
Download it here:
All-PhB.dd5 or Open in app.
Available for download:
(see links below)
archetypes.dd35, all missing classes and archetypes including domains and schools from the Players handbook.
elemental-evil-player-companion.dd35, all (sub) races and spells from the Elemental Evil Players Companion guide.
feats.dd35, all feats from the Players handbook.
races.dd35, all missing (sub) races from the Players handbook.
SCAG-races.dd35, all races from the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.
SCAG-classes.dd35, all classes and archetypes (except the ones already in archetypes.dd35) from the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.
SCAG-spells.dd35, all cantrips from the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.
fighter-feats.dd35, Second Wind and Action Surge.
volos-races.dd35, Thanks to 13sflowers: 11 races from Volo's guide to monsters.
Content provided by titanium09 from Volos Guide to monsters and UA
UA Feats.dd35, Feats from Unearthed Arcana
UA Classes and Archetypes.dd35, Classes and archetypes.
UA Races.dd35, Races.
UA Runes.dd35, Runes.
UA Spells.dd35, Spells.
VolosMonsters.dd35, Monsters from Volos complete guide to monsters.
tabaxi.dd35, Tabaxi race from Volos complete guide to monsters.
Content provided by Pixelcide from the PHB, DMG, SCAG, EE & UA
pixel-races.dd35, Races from all sources, thanks to Pixelcide!
pixel-classes.dd35, Classes from all sources
Content provided by Magix from the Plane Shift Zendicar
Content provided by jjlozanoj:
Content provided by nerdgiraffe:
Content provided by Ancient Wizard:
AncientFeats.dd5, Feats from Unearthed Arcana
AncientWizard-Class-4.dd5, Classes from Unearthed Arcana
Content provided by DutchPainter:
Missing backgrounds.dd35, Some missing backgrounds from the PhB
Racial_Class_Background_Thraits.dd35, racial, class and background specific feats.
Post's attachmentsDownload:
All-PhB.dd5 --- [Open in app] 906.29 kb, 70555 downloads since 2017-09-19
All_Content_without_UA.dd5 --- [Open in app] 3.71 mb, 96348 downloads since 2018-08-21
AncientFeats.dd5 --- [Open in app] 34.21 kb, 26965 downloads since 2017-07-30
AncientWizard-Class-4.dd5 --- [Open in app] 128.28 kb, 22824 downloads since 2017-07-30
archetypes-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 213.57 kb, 50793 downloads since 2016-08-16
CoS-MonstersItemsWeapons.dd5 --- [Open in app] 75.25 kb, 25742 downloads since 2017-07-30
EE_spells.dd5 --- [Open in app] 50.87 kb, 12139 downloads since 2018-06-29
elemental-evil-player-companion.dd35 --- [Open in app] 87.05 kb, 38283 downloads since 2016-10-14
feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 28.53 kb, 45817 downloads since 2016-09-17
fighter-feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.84 kb, 31706 downloads since 2016-11-08
Missing Monsters PHB.dd35 --- [Open in app] 406.71 kb, 32669 downloads since 2017-03-30
missing_backgrounds.dd35 --- [Open in app] 4.36 kb, 23142 downloads since 2017-08-22
MonsterManual_NPCs.dd35 --- [Open in app] 44.3 kb, 34062 downloads since 2017-01-12
MToF-monsters-and-races.dd5 --- [Open in app] 534.55 kb, 12499 downloads since 2018-06-29
pixel-classes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.76 mb, 37716 downloads since 2016-08-16
pixel-races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 91.86 kb, 36093 downloads since 2016-08-16
plane_shift_zendikar_races-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 25.58 kb, 29443 downloads since 2016-08-16
Princes of the Apocalypse - Monsters part1.dd35 --- [Open in app] 15.22 kb, 22939 downloads since 2017-03-30
races-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 6.05 kb, 40690 downloads since 2016-08-16
Racial_Class_Background_Traits.dd35 --- [Open in app] 500.83 kb, 20428 downloads since 2017-08-22
SCAG-classes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 18.45 kb, 40070 downloads since 2016-08-16
SCAG-races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 19.93 kb, 38818 downloads since 2016-08-16
SCAG-spells-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 4.11 kb, 37865 downloads since 2016-08-16
SCAG-spells-plus-chaosbolt.dd5 --- [Open in app] 6.38 kb, 9347 downloads since 2018-06-29
tabaxi.dd35 --- [Open in app] 7.14 kb, 23825 downloads since 2017-01-25
UA Classes and Archetypes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 212.47 kb, 40154 downloads since 2016-12-22
UA Feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 12.96 kb, 32344 downloads since 2016-12-22
UA Races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 20.12 kb, 33683 downloads since 2016-12-22
UA Runes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 13.53 kb, 26863 downloads since 2016-12-22
UA Spells.dd35 --- [Open in app] 35.27 kb, 32392 downloads since 2016-12-22
volos-races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 25.62 kb, 40577 downloads since 2016-11-17
VolosMonsters.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.22 mb, 38174 downloads since 2016-12-22
XGtEExtra-RacialFeats.dd5 --- [Open in app] 15.07 kb, 13814 downloads since 2018-06-29