1 (edited by Bas van Stein 2018-06-29 14:56:44)

Topic: Official Content

Download here the latest content from official sources for the DnD 5e app!
While the files have a .dd35 extension, they are all for the DnD 5 app, the extension is legacy from the previous app and will be updated in the future.

If you have created some content yourself please reply to this topic to add them, or start a new thread.

Newest content: all official content (without UA) in one file!
(With thanks to Esotericreference!)

Download it here:
All-PhB.dd5 or Open in app.

Available for download:

(see links below)

  • archetypes.dd35, all missing classes and archetypes including domains and schools from the Players handbook.

  • elemental-evil-player-companion.dd35, all (sub) races and spells from the Elemental Evil Players Companion guide.

  • feats.dd35, all feats from the Players handbook.

  • races.dd35, all missing (sub) races from the Players handbook.

  • SCAG-races.dd35, all races from the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.

  • SCAG-classes.dd35, all classes and archetypes (except the ones already in archetypes.dd35) from the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.

  • SCAG-spells.dd35, all cantrips from the Sword Coast Adventurer Guide.

  • fighter-feats.dd35, Second Wind and Action Surge.

  • volos-races.dd35, Thanks to 13sflowers: 11 races from Volo's guide to monsters.

Content provided by titanium09 from Volos Guide to monsters and UA

  • UA Feats.dd35, Feats from Unearthed Arcana

  • UA Classes and Archetypes.dd35, Classes and archetypes.

  • UA Races.dd35, Races.

  • UA Runes.dd35, Runes.

  • UA Spells.dd35, Spells.

  • VolosMonsters.dd35, Monsters from Volos complete guide to monsters.

  • tabaxi.dd35, Tabaxi race from Volos complete guide to monsters.

Content provided by Pixelcide from the PHB, DMG, SCAG, EE & UA

  • pixel-races.dd35, Races from all sources, thanks to Pixelcide!

  • pixel-classes.dd35, Classes from all sources

Content provided by Magix from the Plane Shift Zendicar

  • plane_shift_zendikar_races.dd35, Races, thank you Magix!

Content provided by jjlozanoj:

  • MonsterManual_NPCS.dd35, all NPCS from the Monster Manual

Content provided by nerdgiraffe:

  • Missing Monsters PHB.dd35, monsters from the players handbook

Content provided by Ancient Wizard:

  • AncientFeats.dd5, Feats from Unearthed Arcana

  • AncientWizard-Class-4.dd5, Classes from Unearthed Arcana

Content provided by DutchPainter:

  • Missing backgrounds.dd35, Some missing backgrounds from the PhB

  • Racial_Class_Background_Thraits.dd35, racial, class and background specific feats.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon All-PhB.dd5 --- [Open in app] 906.29 kb, 70594 downloads since 2017-09-19 

Download: Attachment icon All_Content_without_UA.dd5 --- [Open in app] 3.71 mb, 96497 downloads since 2018-08-21 

Download: Attachment icon AncientFeats.dd5 --- [Open in app] 34.21 kb, 26987 downloads since 2017-07-30 

Download: Attachment icon AncientWizard-Class-4.dd5 --- [Open in app] 128.28 kb, 22841 downloads since 2017-07-30 

Download: Attachment icon archetypes-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 213.57 kb, 50813 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon CoS-MonstersItemsWeapons.dd5 --- [Open in app] 75.25 kb, 25764 downloads since 2017-07-30 

Download: Attachment icon EE_spells.dd5 --- [Open in app] 50.87 kb, 12162 downloads since 2018-06-29 

Download: Attachment icon elemental-evil-player-companion.dd35 --- [Open in app] 87.05 kb, 38301 downloads since 2016-10-14 

Download: Attachment icon feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 28.53 kb, 45835 downloads since 2016-09-17 

Download: Attachment icon fighter-feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.84 kb, 31721 downloads since 2016-11-08 

Download: Attachment icon Missing Monsters PHB.dd35 --- [Open in app] 406.71 kb, 32685 downloads since 2017-03-30 

Download: Attachment icon missing_backgrounds.dd35 --- [Open in app] 4.36 kb, 23159 downloads since 2017-08-22 

Download: Attachment icon MonsterManual_NPCs.dd35 --- [Open in app] 44.3 kb, 34075 downloads since 2017-01-12 

Download: Attachment icon MToF-monsters-and-races.dd5 --- [Open in app] 534.55 kb, 12517 downloads since 2018-06-29 

Download: Attachment icon pixel-classes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.76 mb, 37729 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon pixel-races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 91.86 kb, 36108 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon plane_shift_zendikar_races-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 25.58 kb, 29462 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon Princes of the Apocalypse - Monsters part1.dd35 --- [Open in app] 15.22 kb, 22954 downloads since 2017-03-30 

Download: Attachment icon races-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 6.05 kb, 40712 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon Racial_Class_Background_Traits.dd35 --- [Open in app] 500.83 kb, 20444 downloads since 2017-08-22 

Download: Attachment icon SCAG-classes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 18.45 kb, 40092 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon SCAG-races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 19.93 kb, 38840 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon SCAG-spells-2.dd35 --- [Open in app] 4.11 kb, 37881 downloads since 2016-08-16 

Download: Attachment icon SCAG-spells-plus-chaosbolt.dd5 --- [Open in app] 6.38 kb, 9363 downloads since 2018-06-29 

Download: Attachment icon tabaxi.dd35 --- [Open in app] 7.14 kb, 23838 downloads since 2017-01-25 

Download: Attachment icon UA Classes and Archetypes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 212.47 kb, 40174 downloads since 2016-12-22 

Download: Attachment icon UA Feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 12.96 kb, 32359 downloads since 2016-12-22 

Download: Attachment icon UA Races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 20.12 kb, 33704 downloads since 2016-12-22 

Download: Attachment icon UA Runes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 13.53 kb, 26879 downloads since 2016-12-22 

Download: Attachment icon UA Spells.dd35 --- [Open in app] 35.27 kb, 32407 downloads since 2016-12-22 

Download: Attachment icon volos-races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 25.62 kb, 40604 downloads since 2016-11-17 

Download: Attachment icon VolosMonsters.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.22 mb, 38189 downloads since 2016-12-22 

Download: Attachment icon XGtEExtra-RacialFeats.dd5 --- [Open in app] 15.07 kb, 13837 downloads since 2018-06-29 


2 (edited by pixelcide 2016-05-11 22:33:54)

Re: Official Content

Photice wrote:

Missing the two race options from the DMG (Aasimar and Eladrin), but excellent otherwise!

Eladrin is a sub-race of elves.  you can find it there.

But I did miss the Aasimar.

Here's an updated file to include them. 

Also posted history for a few of the races... but I'm not really happy with it as I feel it kinda clutters up what I hoped to be strictly a traits dump for each race...  Kicking around the idea of a adding one more section per race (Example: Dwarves (History) and just post all available information from the books into that.

Also I'm hoping to add linking in the traits listings to their respective Skills/Spells.

Anyways...  Open to suggestion on the current format.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon myraces.dd35 --- [Open in app] 91.86 kb, 8615 downloads since 2016-05-11 


3 (edited by magix 2016-05-30 07:59:44)

Re: Official Content

Added the races from the Plane Shift Zendikar supplement that WoTC put out

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon plane_shift_zendikar_races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 25.58 kb, 5846 downloads since 2016-05-30 


Re: Official Content

Hi folks,

Here's an update to my classes.dd35

Included from this month's UA

Warlock: The Seeker
Wizard: School of Theurgy

Also included are all the backgrounds from the PHB & SCAG.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon pixelclasses817.dd35 --- [Open in app] 2.17 mb, 5629 downloads since 2016-08-17 


Re: Official Content

I copied the traits for the new player races from Volo's Guide to Monsters. Please let me know if there are any issues with formatting or information!

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon volo's guide to monsters - player races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 25.62 kb, 6637 downloads since 2016-11-17 


Re: Official Content

So.. I did it..
Attached is the revised Ranger Class as per the recent unearthed arcana.


Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon myclasses.dd35 --- [Open in app] 33.51 kb, 5662 downloads since 2016-11-23 


Re: Official Content

This should be all of the monsters in Volo's Guide.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon VolosMonsters.dd35 --- [Open in app] 1.22 mb, 5771 downloads since 2016-12-01 


Re: Official Content

These are all the spells that have been released in the Unearthed Arcana.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon UA Spells.dd35 --- [Open in app] 35.27 kb, 4947 downloads since 2016-12-15 


Re: Official Content

This is the Runes that were released with the prestige class Rune Scribe.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon UA Runes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 13.53 kb, 3551 downloads since 2016-12-15 


Re: Official Content

These are all of the races released for the Unearthed Arcana.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon UA Races.dd35 --- [Open in app] 20.12 kb, 4427 downloads since 2016-12-15 


Re: Official Content

These are all of the classes and archetypes from the Unearthed Arcana, up to the Monk. It excludes the Revised Ranger, which Beranicus did.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon UA Classes and Archetypes.dd35 --- [Open in app] 212.47 kb, 4988 downloads since 2016-12-15 


12 (edited by titanium09 2016-12-15 08:05:12)

Re: Official Content

And finally this is the list of feats that were added via Unearthed Arcana.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon UA Feats.dd35 --- [Open in app] 12.96 kb, 3993 downloads since 2016-12-15 


13 (edited by jjlozanoj 2016-12-31 22:47:00)

Re: Official Content

I went ahead and copied all the stat blocks for NPCs in the monster Manual

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon MonsterManual_NPCs.dd35 --- [Open in app] 44.3 kb, 4133 downloads since 2016-12-31 


14 (edited by iambrakx 2017-01-24 03:35:09)

Re: Official Content

Unearthed Arcana Artificer has been added with its Archetypes along with the Archetypes for Ranger and Rouge .   

The UAs were released 01/09/2017 and 01/16/2017

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon myclasses (2).dd35 --- [Open in app] 34.16 kb, 5359 downloads since 2017-01-24 


Re: Official Content

I made the Tabaxi race for you using the D&D 5 content creator (see link on top of the page).
You can download it and import it in the app.

If you want you can also use the content creator to share content smile.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon tabaxi.dd35 --- [Open in app] 7.14 kb, 3166 downloads since 2017-01-25 


16 (edited by thewilypanda 2017-02-15 07:51:43)

Re: Official Content

I have a list of creatures that were missing from the PHB Appendix D: Creature stats. I have included a link to the file from my google drive.

(Edit: I didn't see a attachment option before, now I've proper attached the file.)

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon mymonsters.dd35 --- [Open in app] 29.88 kb, 3822 downloads since 2017-02-15 


17 (edited by iambrakx 2017-02-11 22:50:50)

Re: Official Content

I added the new UA for the Sorcerer archtypes: Favored Soul, Phoenix, Sea and Stone to my download... Check it out. 

If you missed my others, its all in this guy (Artificer and its archtypes, and the Rouge, Ranger ones as well) and some minor formatting corrections.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon myclasses.dd35 --- [Open in app] 51.25 kb, 4950 downloads since 2017-02-11 


18 (edited by anciantwizard 2017-03-14 22:20:57)

Re: Official Content

I needed entries for an Alchemy Jug and all the associated adventuring equipment; I started by just adding it in the app, but then I realized I probably wouldn't be able to share it that way.
(Unfortunately, I wasn't able t get the table the way I wanted it).

Edit: After much practice -- now featuring in-app links to my equipment entries!

Edit edit: Small fix to the links in the table

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon myitems.dd35 --- [Open in app] 2.87 kb, 4130 downloads since 2017-03-14 


19 (edited by anciantwizard 2017-03-14 07:12:14)

Re: Official Content

anciantwizard wrote:

I needed entries for an Alchemy Jug and all the associated adventuring equipment; I started by just adding it in the app, but then I realized I probably wouldn't be able to share it that way.
(Unfortunately, I wasn't able t get the table to have those alternating colors like all the others do).

So apparently we can only attach one file per comment?

Anyway, here's entries for the associated equipment: acid, oil, basic poison, vials, & flasks.

Edit: fixed one entry that still had a flawed link.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon myequipments (3).dd35 --- [Open in app] 4.33 kb, 4149 downloads since 2017-03-14 


Re: Official Content

This is Curse of Strahd Monsters/NPC's from Appendix D

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon CoSmonsters.dd5 --- [Open in app] 58.37 kb, 5300 downloads since 2017-06-14 


21 (edited by Valda 2017-06-14 19:51:04)

Re: Official Content

This is Curse of Strahd items from Appendix C

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon CoSitems.dd5 --- [Open in app] 8.09 kb, 4822 downloads since 2017-06-14 


Re: Official Content

This is Curse of Strahd weapons from Appendix C

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon CoSweapons.dd5 --- [Open in app] 8.85 kb, 4906 downloads since 2017-06-14 


23 (edited by anciantwizard 2017-07-30 17:39:32)

Re: Official Content

As promised, the UA Feats!

Each title also includes the Race or Stat / Skill to make searching easier. I figured that might be appreciated since there's a total of 40 new entries between them lol.

Edit : Fixed some broken links I noticed once I had it in my app.

Edit 2 : Now that this thread has been separated, my responses to people's questions don't make sense any more, so I deleted them.

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon AncientFeats.dd5 --- [Open in app] 34.21 kb, 4361 downloads since 2017-07-13 


24 (edited by anciantwizard 2017-07-29 23:54:14)

Re: Official Content

Ok, here's all the newest batch of (revised) UA archetypes!

- Shepherd  Druid
- Cavalier  Fighter
- Conquest  Paladin
- Celestial (Undying Light)  Warlock
- Eldritch Invocations without any patron exclusivity

All with 2.0 in the titles for clarity's sake.

And of course, this file also has all the archetypes I've uploaded up to this point, fully edited:

anciantwizard wrote:

- War Mage Wizard
- Lore Wizard
- all 3 of the "Trio of Subclasses" (drunken monk, redemption paly, monster slayer ranger)
- Revised Subclasses (ancestral guardian barbarian, swords bard, arcane archer fighter, kensei monk, & favored soul sorc), all with 2.0 at the end of their titles, or 3.0 in the sorc's case.
- Warlocks with UA pact-exclusive invocations

Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon AncientWizard-Class-4.dd5 --- [Open in app] 128.28 kb, 4735 downloads since 2017-07-29 


25 (edited by Bas van Stein 2017-07-30 16:37:27)

Re: Official Content

Looks great @anciantwizard!

I have included them in the top post if you don't mind.

I cleaned up the topic a bit, moved all other posts to a [backup] thread.
Now it is easier to find the downloads, also moved your outdated files to that thread.

@Valda: Thank you a lot for the COS material, I have merged your 3 files into one and added it on the first post. big_smile
