I know it's a ton of work and that's why I'm asking if anyone actually did it.

I was thinking if doing them as spells, but there was no proper category. Feats is the one with Psionic classification so that seems to be the best place to put it.

Android.  (Note 5 to be exact)

I get the popup, if I overwrite it still doubles up for some reason.

*** My mistake; I just checked again. I get a popup but it's "Do you want to import" not "Do you want to overwrite."

For one reason or another I am not getting the option to overwrite anything, so I  get duplicates.

Hi there, I've been using the COntent Creator to get what I need into the app, but I have found one problem.

For instance if I have made 5 classes previous in custom class, I have a list of classes in my profile. If I download a DD5 file for it, it will download everything I have ever made. And if I run this file in the app it will create duplicates of all previous content I uploaded to the app.

What this means is if I add a new class today, I would end up downloading everything again and have duplicates of my last 5 classes.

How do I selective just download the DD5 for the last thing I made? I can't seem to figure it out.