Re: ** Official Data Files **
None of the files I've downloaded have been updated to my lists. How can I fix this?
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Complete Reference for D&D → Download Official Content 3.5 → ** Official Data Files **
None of the files I've downloaded have been updated to my lists. How can I fix this?
Nevermind, I found the problem and got it working. H
To those having trouble importing the files, you need to open them in the downloads section of your web browser, not the downloads file on your phone storage. I was having trouble too until i figured that out. It let me associate that file type to the app.
Will there be a list of items and equipment info added?
Hi JustF-nGo,
The downloading of the feats should not alter the character, it only adds content and does not remove or alter anything.
Are you able to add the feats again to the character? If you exported your character it is possible to do a rollback by importing it again, otherwise I am afraid that a rollback is not possible. Your characters and other added content do not get synchronized with a server.Best
I also have this problem i seem to be missing improved and greater two weapon fighting as well as other PHB1 feats.
Could you add the wood elf race to the list of races?
Awesome! Going to make Toymaker Elves playable in here best flexible solar panel my campaign
Need to add a list of the Artificer infusions and add them to spell list
I can't find combat casting. But there is improved combat casting.
What about items and equipment? Magic items, ect...
Hey I don't know if I missed it but are there Foles for guildmasters guide to Ravnica?
Complete Reference for D&D → Download Official Content 3.5 → ** Official Data Files **
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