1 (edited by Revan7even 2018-10-15 01:28:00)

Topic: Template for 5e Monster statblocks

I've noticed many monster entries are missing information that is in their statblock in the book, such as challenge rating, so while I've been fixing some I made a template. Just click the <> button in the entry creator and paste the code below into it. Then you can edit the fields above the text box and fill out the text with the monster's statblock (delete whatever isn't used like resitances and legendary actions).
When creating the entry convert fractional CRs to decimals for the Challenge Rating field, then after saving open the file as a text file (with Wordpad, Notepad, or Notepad++)
replace the decimal number after "challenge_rating": with the fraction and XP, so replace "0.25" with "1/4 (50 XP)"
leave the decimal after "cr": as is
The D&D Entry Creator does weird things, so use ctrl+H and replace
\/ with /
\"\\ with \"
and replace
\\\" with \"

<h2>Monster Template</h2><p><em>Medium humanoid, neutral</em></p><hr /><p><strong>Armor Class</strong> 10 (clothing)<br /><strong>Hit Points</strong> 5 (1d8 + 0)<br /><strong>Speed</strong> 30 ft.</p><hr /><table class=\"d20\" border=\"0\" width=\"384\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\"><strong>STR</strong></p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\"><strong>DEX</strong></p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\"><strong>CON</strong></p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\"><strong>INT</strong></p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\"><strong>WIS</strong></p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\"><strong>CHA</strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\">10 (+0)</p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\">10 (+0)</p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\">10 (+0)</p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\">10 (+0)</p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\">10 (+0)</p></td><td valign=\"bottom\"><p align=\"center\">10 (+0)</p></td></tr></tbody></table><hr /><p><strong>Saving Throws</strong> Str +0, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0<br /><strong>Skills</strong> Skill +0, Skill +0<br /><strong>Damage Resistance</strong> Resistance, Resistance<br /><strong>Damage Immunities</strong> Immunity, Immunity<br /><strong>Condition Immunitites</strong> Immunity<br /><strong>Senses</strong> Sense, Passive Perception 10<br /><strong>Languages</strong> Language, Language<br /><strong>Challenge</strong> 1/4 (10 XP)</p><hr /><p><em><strong>Ability.</strong></em> Ability</p><p><em><strong>Legendary Resistance (0/Day).</strong></em> Resistance</p><p><em><strong>Spellcasting.</strong> spell, spell</em></p><h3>Actions</h3><hr /><p><em><strong>Multiattack.</strong></em> Multiattack</p><p><em><strong>Attack.</strong> </em>Attack</p><p><em><strong>Ability.</strong> </em>Ability</p><h3>Legendary Actions</h3><hr /><p><strong>Action.</strong> Action<br /><strong>Action.</strong> Action</p><h3>Reactions</h3><hr /><p><strong>Ability.</strong> Ability</p><hr /><p>Description</p>"
Post's attachments

Download: Attachment icon Monster Template.dd5 --- [Open in app] 2.55 kb, 364 downloads since 2018-10-14 


Re: Template for 5e Monster statblocks

Thank you for your effort.
I can probably implement this template directly in the content ceator, I guess that would be most handy.


Re: Template for 5e Monster statblocks

Wow, that would be awesome, I was just doing it because I planned on adding the missing Princes of the Apocalypse monsters and just modified a monster entry I exported from the app to look like the book statblocks. I'm not sure how the class=\"d20\" works as I'm guessing that is something coded into the app and gives the alternating background colors, so I don't know if the width=\"384\" is redundant.


Re: Template for 5e Monster statblocks

The width is not redundant, the app indeed applies some styles like the d20 class.


Re: Template for 5e Monster statblocks

Cool, well however the style and width works it makes the ability score table fit the full width of the screen whether my phone is vertical or horizontal. Don't have a tablet so don't know how it will look on one.

I'm curious why the entry creator does stuff like turn </p> into <\/p> or width=\"384\" into width=\"\\384\\\"

It seems to import it fine either way and puts them back when exported from the app so I guess it doesn't matter.


Re: Template for 5e Monster statblocks

Wow, that would be awesome, I was just doing it because I planned on adding the missing Princes of the Apocalypse monsters and just modified a monster entry I exported from the app to look like the book statblocks.

I know book of ra online
